mwRadar EOL Test System
Rotating stage :
Azimuth axis range: -90 ~ +90 degree.
Azimuth axis angle stepping: < 0.05 degree.
Azimuth axis repeatability: < 0.005 degree.
Pitch axis range: -90 ~ +90 degree.
Pitch axis angle stepping: < 0.05 degree.
Pitch axis repeatability: < 0.005 degree.
Max Sustain: 10kg.
Rotate speed: > 20 degree per second.
Standardized millimeter wave radar test platform for testing various brands of front and corner radars.
Covered frequency range: 76 ~ 81G.
Included target simulator and spectrum analyzer, Single-target or multi-target simulation.
Booster standard software platform is able to integrate with R&S, NI, Keysight etc. mwRadar target simulator.
Use for engineering validation and mass production.
Customizable dimensions depends on the product test requirement.
Select SA-100 type angle cone absorbing material, thickness of about 100m, reflective performance better than -50db
Calibrated path loss.